I'm happy to have Earlene Tasha Smith Grant and her husband Tim as our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Blog Contributors for this month. Together they have shared informative yet enlightening insightful "cost saving" tips with "Money Saving Techniques For The Family"... Please sign-up to join our blog community and feel free to post your comments or thoughts to our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib

Money Savings Techniques:
For so many years my husband and I tried so many different money saving techniques. Some were a complete disaster and with others we had lukewarm success. Below you will find what we have learned over our 20 years of marriage about saving (and I refer to married because before then we were both financially ignorant).
-See God as your source for EVERYTHING.
-Seek God for wisdom and favor regarding your finances
-Money makes a terrible master but a great servant
-Have confidence in God's word that he wants you whole and prosperous in every area of your life and that includes finances. Ps 35:27 , Mat 6:25-34
-All of the money goes in one family pot every pay period, once the bills are paid then discuss what to do with the remaining money (some of which can go to a joint and split savings account)
-there is no your debt and my debt there is the "household debt"
- each person has a spending limit before having to consult their spouse
-Spend less than you make so you can save
-Pay off debt, don't live your life on credit
-No impulse spending
-Keep a spending journal
- Set up a direct deposit just for savings and make it difficult to access that money
-Stay in "your lane" and thank God for your blessings, no need to keep up with the Jones'
-Give your debt and saving's goals to God and let him give you wisdom on how to come out of debt and how to achieve your saving's goal.
-Tithing is a beautiful opportunity to bless the house of God and in return your family is blessed, all of your needs get met and you have plenty more to put in store (savings)
-Surround yourself with friends that are financially responsible so that you can increase your understanding
- Read up on finances and become financially literate
-Cheerfully sow financially into others lives, charity and church. It brings forth financial abundance and allows for you to live in the overflow and increase your savings
We hope some of our tips and learnings will be a blessing to you !
Earlene and Tim

What An AWESOME Job Cousins....Tasha & Tim!!! Practical And Useful....