Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family,
The Time Of Fall Has Now Come And Once Again We Will Enjoy The Changing Of The Seasons. But It's Comforting In Knowing The Blessed Heritage Of Our Family Will Never Change.... One Of Our Original Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Historians, Shade Herring, Jr. is our blog contributor for October to share priceless vivid memories as told to him by his parents along with the insight of "The Blessed Heritage Of Family... Please sign-up to join our blog community and feel free to post your comments or thoughts to our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr."

My memories of my childhood dates back to my DAD, Shade Herring, Sr. as a PHENOMENAL, ASTUTE, Bible EXPOSITOR. I can remember him getting us kids together and giving us a preview of certain BIBLICAL STORIES so that we would be ahead of our SUNDAY SCHOOL class. Then, it was that time when DAD was appointed as the NUMBER ONE TEACHER of the ADULT & SENIOR CLASS. And... this was at ANOTHER CHURCH.

They all knew of his REPUTATION as the SUPERINTENDENT of the Church of God Auditorium. That church was on 24th Street & Moncrief Avenue, a Church Of God In Christ "COGIC". Back then, Sunday School was a big part of the Sunday morning CHURCH EXPERIENCE. Dad was so involved in his studies until he would walk around carrying a big tan ‘SATCHEL’. He was intimidating to some NOVICE PREACHERS.😁 DAD’s reputation was well known around the city of JACKSONVILLE, especially among the BLACK PENTECOSTAL/HOLINESS churches. But, it was during this certain time, while he was teaching at the "COGIC" that he ANGERED me.

And...I remember it like it happened yesterday. Someone asked the QUESTION during the SUNDAY SCHOOL REVIEW, “DID JOB SINNED”?” Dad jumped up immediately and said emphatically, “YES”. And, the debate was on! Pastor FAUST, was afraid to CHALLENGE my Dad. But, everybody was visibly UPSET...and especially against Dad. And Dad wouldn’t give ground. He would be LAUGHING at the people as they tried to refute him. I was so mad until I went home and told MOM.😁 But, the NEXT SUNDAY, someone went home and did the RESEARCH. DAD WAS ‘RIGHT’.

This why me and my BROTHER love the BIBLE and IT’s STUDY today. We got this from our DAD. Amen
Uncle Shade You And Your Vivid Stories About My Late GrandFather, Shade Herring (Whom I've Never Had The Honor Of Meeting) For This Blog "ROCKS"... Thanks So Much For Sharing....