Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family,
As you're enjoying your summer doing the things you love, take a moment to check out the latest blog from our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family website featuring two of my MOST FAVORITE PEOPLE... my parents, Wallace and Dorothy Sibley as they discuss "Strengthening Our Family Ties." Please sign-up to join our blog community and feel free to post your comments or thoughts to our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr."

Some of you may remember the popular television series “Family Ties” starring Michael J. Fox, which aired during the 1980’s. It was one of our favorite shows. Sometimes we would watch and enjoy episodes as a family, Wallace and I, along with our kids; Sib, Kevin, and Anita. The premise of this comedy show would sometimes highlight the differences a family unit may have; modern ideas versus traditional ideas. How men or women may think in awkward situations in comparison to the opposite sex . Even the value of money and economic status between the members of the Keaton family were portrayed on the show. The differences and opinions by each member of the family reflect the makeup of most families. Over the years we’ve discovered that each of our family members are different, with individual thoughts, opinions, and ideas, even though we may share common experiences, interests, and goals. As you may expect the root of our family ties is love…. The love we have for God, the love Wallace and I have for each other. (We’re celebrating our 55th Wedding Anniversary on August 23rd) The love we have for our children (Vince, Wallace Jr. “Sib”, Kevin, and Anita) and six grandchildren (Vincent, Jr. ToNeyshia, Nikita , Kevin, Jr. “KJ”, Victoria “Tori”, and Jaliyah. Plus the love they have for us.

I remember the first time we had an opportunity to take a summer vacation with our children and grandchildren, it was truly one of the BEST times of our lives. Having three generations of family members together, eating our favorite foods, sightseeing, shopping, and taking family pictures. Although we enjoyed new experiences we still had a blast playing our favorite family card games of Old Maid and UNO with the younger grandkids. We even played spades and poker with the older Grandchildren.

It was our goal to create MANY priceless memories and moments that will remain with all of us for the rest of our lives. It’s hard not to reminisce on my parents, Shade Herring and Othelia Smith Herring. Although we didn’t have much, because I was the oldest of 6 kids. Mama and Daddy loved us and gave me and my siblings (Shade "Brother", Robert Earl, Juanita, Esther, and Gwen) the best they had. And although my parents are no longer here on this earth, the “love” they’ve left behind is STILL strong and continue to tie our families together.
So take a moment to connect with those you love . Each of us are but a thread when woven together with family creates a cloth of love that transcends throughout generations and time…

As an old sacred hymn goes…. “Blest Be The Tie That Binds… Our Hearts In Christian Love, The Fellowship Of Kindred Minds Is Like To That Above”…
Thanks Mom and Dad for the awesome role models you've been to me and my family. love, sib