Hello, Smith/Herring/Stewart Family!
During November, we take time to celebrate the love and support of our family and friends. It's a season of Thanksgiving worth sharing with others. Grace Maxwell Sibley has been chosen this month as our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Spotlight feature. Take a moment to enjoy.
If you would like to participate and be featured on our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Blog Spotlight, you have TWO easy options…
Option #1.
You can create a 1-minute live, personal video
1. Give us your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family.
2. Tell us your favorite family memory
Option #2
1. You can send your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family
2 . Send us a photograph
3. Email us at: SmithHerringStewartFamily@gmail.com
Please sign-up and post your comments and feedback on our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr.

1. Birth Name: Grace Maxwell
2. Birth Date: July 1st
3. Hometown Place Of Birth: Chudleigh/Jamaica
4. Parents: Maureen Whitter & Anthony Maxwell
5. Grandparents: Inez & Noel Bonner & Ms. Rose Stenneth
Grace Maxwell Sibley

6. What’s Your Favorite childhood memory: Going out in the town to celebrate Christmas Eve with family and friends
7. What’s your favorite dish from your Mother: Oxtails, ackee and salt fish
All Smiles: Grace's Grandmother Inez, with Grace's Mother
Maureen taking a family picture with Grace's Husband, Kevin
and their children Kevin, Jr. "KJ" and Victoria "Tori"

8. What advice do you have for our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family: Stay connected
Grace And Her Husband, Kevin
9. How do you enjoy your spare time: Catching Up on TV shows
10. What’s your favorite quote from your Mother or Father: I don't have one

"Here's Looking At You" From The Sibleys: Kevin, Grace, Tori, and KJ
Thank You Grace For Your Wonderful Blog!