Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family!
It's The Month Of June And "It's Getting Hot In Here." So Let's Celebrate With One Of Our Millennials, Danyel Smith Featured As Our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Spotlight Profile. Take A Look.
If you would like to participate and be featured on our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Blog Spotlight, you have TWO easy options…
Option #1.
You can create a 1-minute live, personal video
1. Give us your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family.
2. Tell us your favorite family memory
Option #2
1. You can send your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family
2 . Send us a photograph
3. Email us at: SmithHerringStewartFamily@gmail.com
Please sign-up and post your comments and feedback on our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr.

1.Birth Name: Danyel “Dani” Smith
2. Birth Date: April 5th
3. Hometown & State: Jacksonville,FL
4. Parents: Earl Smith & Yolanda Johnson Smith
Danyel Smith

5. Grandparents: Ruth Dawkins , Earl Smith Sr
6. Favorite childhood memory : Performing in the Nutcracker ( Soldier,Angel, Flower, Arabian)
7. Favorite place to visit : Orlando / Bahamas
Forever Twins: A Classic Photo Of Danyel With
Her Fraternal Twin Sister, Dominique.

8. What Advice Do You Have For Our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family: My advice would be to Do what makes you happiest in this world and never apologize for being the best YOU
9. Who is your Favorite movie or TV Star : Roger and Hammerstein’s - CINDERELLA ft Brandy and Whitney Houston
Hanging With Dad: Danyel With Her Father,
Earl Smith After College Graduation.

10. What Was Your Dream Job When You Were Younger: My dream job is and continues to be becoming a professional Dancer / Teacher - And More.
Love Those Smiles: Danyel Posing With Her
Mother, Yolanda Smith

"Cheers 2 U"
Awesome Job Danyel... Thanks For Participating!!!