Hi, Smith/Herring/Stewart Family!
The Month Of May Is Here, And It is Great To Have Earlene Tasha Grant As Our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Spotlight Profile. Check it out.
If you would like to participate and be featured on our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Blog Spotlight, you have TWO easy options…
Option #1.
You can create a 1-minute live, personal video
1. Give us your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family.
2. Tell us your favorite family memory
Option #2
1. You can send your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family
2 . Send us a photograph
3. Email us at: SmithHerringStewartFamily@gmail.com
Please sign-up and post your comments and feedback on our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr.

Birth Name: Earlene Lu-Toisher Smith
2. Birth Date: February 9th
3. Hometown & State: Jacksonville, Fl
4. Parents: Earl and Ruth Jones Smith
5. Grandparents: Robert and Ivory Smith- paternal Luvine and Samuel Jones- maternal
Earlene Tasha Grant

6. What’s Your Favorite Childhood Memory: Robert Earl dressing up as Santa Claus and coming to visit me on Christmas Eve. I never knew it was him until I was at least 20
7. What’s Your Favorite Place To Visit: San Francisco- favorite place to visit
Love & Marriage: Earlene & Tim Grant On Their Wedding Day

8. What Advice Do You Have For Our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family: love unapologetically, forgive others freely and often, give yourself grace and forgiveness, dream big and surround yourself with people that will wipe your tears, be your hype man, and push you to fulfill all God has for you
9. If You Had Million Dollars What Would You Do: - pay off debts and invest in items that would create generational wealth
A Day At The Beach: Earlene With Husband
Tim, Daughter Kennedi And Son, Tim Jr.
10. Who Is Your Favorite Musical Artist: Mary J Blige

3 Generations Of Smith Women Going To The Polls: Earlene With Mother Ruth And Daughter Kennedi
Thanks As Always Tasha For Your Love And Contribution.