Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family!
Our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Monthly Spotlight Profiles continue as we "Spring Into Spring Season" with Henry Williams as our choice for the month of April. Take a little time to get to know him.
If you would like to participate and be featured on our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family Blog Spotlight you have TWO easy options…
Option #1.
You can create a 1-minute live personal video
1. Give us your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family..
2.Tell us your favorite family memory
Option #2
1. You can send your name, birthday, hometown, and relation to our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family
2 .Send us a photograph
3. Email us at: SmithHerringStewartFamily@gmail.com
Please sign-up and post your comments and feedback on our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr.

Henry Williams
Birth Name: Henry Pearlie Ronell Williams
2. Birth Date: February 1st
3. Hometown and State of birth: Saint Mary's, GA & Jax, FL
4. Parents: Bishop Preston & Pearl Williams
5. Grandparents: Willie & Ethel (Roberts) Williams

6. What’s Your Favorite Childhood memory: The church outings at the beach.
7. What’s Your Favorite Dish from your Mother: Her cornbread dressing
8. What advice do you have for our Smith/Herring/Stewart Family: I don't have any advice, only encouragement to continue doing the tremendous job you're doing to keep us connected as a family.
9. How do you enjoy your spare time: Fishing on the lake or deep sea fishing
10.What’s Your Favorite Quote From Your Mother or Father: Mother's Quote: "If you don't have something good to say to someone, don't say anything at all."
Here's a classic photo of Henry during his kindergarten years
Meet The Williams: Henry And His Lovely Wife Gwendolyn

This Is Awesome Henry! Thanks So Much For Participating.