Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family,
Get ready to enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday with your family and eating your favorite dishes. Terry Herring Davis is our contributor for November and she's sharing her family recipe that's a JEWEL for many.
If you would like to participate and share one of your favorite family recipes. You have TWO easy options…
Option #1.
You can create a 1 minute live video of your dish (entree, side dish, or dessert) giving:
1. The Name Of The Dish...
2. The ingredients needed, and cooking temperature...
3. Why do you like this dish...
Option #2.
1. You can take a picture of your dish (entree, side dish, or dessert)
2 .Write your recipe with ingredients and cooking temperature.
3. Why is this one of your favorite dish
Please sign-up and post your comments and feedback on our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr."

Terry's Delicious
Red Velvet Cake
Cake Ingredients
· 1 1/2 cup of sugar
· 1/2 cup of butter
· 2 eggs
· 2 oz. red food coloring
· 2 1/2 cup cake flour
· 1 cup buttermilk
. 1 tsp. vanilla
. 1 tsp. cocoa (heaped)
. 1 tsp. salt
. 1 tsp. soda
. 1 tsp. vinegar
Terry Herring Davis

Frosting Ingredients
· 2 tbsp. flour
. 1 cup of milk
. 1 tsp. vanilla
. 1 cup of granulated sugar
. 1 cup of butter
Terry And Her Beautiful Mother Florence Berrian Herring

Cake Directions
· Cream butter, sugar and eggs. Mix coloring and cocoa. Add to butter mixture.
. Add milk, flour, and salt alternately, stirring well. Add vanilla. Last, fold in soda, dissolved in vinegar; beat until smooth.
. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes in two 9 inch cake pans.
. Cool and cut each into 2 layers crosswise (This is easier if cake is slightly frozen.)
A classic photo of Terry with husband Darren,
and sons, Darren Jr., and Cameron

Frosting Directions
· Cook flour and milk until thick; cool. Cream sugar, butter and vanilla until fluffy.
. Beat with an electric beater for a long time, until it's as fluffy as you can make it.
. Blend this mixture into the cooled flour and milk; beat until sugar is not granular.
. Frosting will be like whipped cream. Frost cake. Chopped pecans are optional.

Terry And Her Granddaughter Dallas

Terry, This Is One Of My Favorite Family Recipes. Thanks For Sharing!!!