Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family,
Everyone enjoys looking through old photos and sharing stories reliving precious moments from "yesteryear"... Sometimes to laugh, or sometimes to cry tears of joy. Iris "Nikki" Owens has been chosen as our blog contributor for this trip down memory lane. Enjoy her capture of "My Favorite Family Memories"... Please sign-up to join our blog community and feel free to post your comments or thoughts to our monthly blogs. They're truly wonderful and encouraging to read. Enjoy, sib "wallace, jr."

When I sat down to write this, I didn’t know where to start! How could I possibly narrow down my favorite family memories into just ONE blog? I would have to say some of my favorite family memories are listening to the Herring generation talk about their favorite family memories. I mean some of these stories are comedy gold:
· Auntie Dorothy breaking curfew the night before her wedding (sorry, Auntie, it’s a classic)
· Uncle Shade tearing off his apron, quitting his job, and having to ask for it back under Grandma’s orders. I later learned my mom was at the root of this dramatic scene.
· Uncle Robert performing magic tricks during thunderstorms
· Auntie Juanita having to sit in the back of Uncle Robert’s school class because Grandma couldn’t find a babysitter and skipping two grades. She graduated at 16!!
· Auntie Esther’s unfortunate incident with the stove top (courtesy of Uncle Robert) or getting caught dancing at the Sugar Shack.
· Mom (Gwen) feeling the need to keep the neighbors informed of what her siblings said about them. According to Uncle Shade, “Gwen will turn communist for a nickel.”

I have repeated these stories to so many of my friends over the years that they feel like they know everyone. Every family gathering, I sit in anticipation waiting for these stories to be repeated—it never gets old.
These are only some of my favorite family memories. I’d have to say my most cherished are the times I spent with Grandma. She’s been on my mind a lot lately. I miss her like crazy!
I remember sitting on the porch with her during the summer as she taught me how to write checks and balance a checkbook. I remember her slicing a piece of watermelon for each of us and placing it in a metal pan. She always sprinkled hers with a little salt. I remember those early morning breakfasts of cheese toast and coffee as a kindergartner. I remember taking the bus to Gateway for shopping trips where she bought yarn so she could teach me how to crochet. I hold on to the times we spent in the kitchen as I helped her make homemade apple and sweet potato pies. If I close my eyes I can still smell her homemade peanut butter cookies. I remember our mutual love for cotton candy.
A few weeks before I went away to college, I was sitting with her in the hospital. She knew I was going away soon and she wanted to do something for me. She told me to go in her purse and get three books of food stamps so I would be able to get food. I had only been away for two weeks when she passed away. I never used the food stamps and have kept them in a wallet all these years.
Sometimes memories sneak out of your eyes and roll down your cheeks, but I am grateful. I have wonderful family that I am so blessed to be a part of. Although I’m missing Grandma today especially, I feel and see her around me. I see her in Auntie Dorothy’s actions still looking after her younger siblings. I see her when Uncle Shade and Uncle Robert smile with those deep dimples. Auntie Juanita sings like her and Auntie Esther acts like her. Mom has her heart for helping people.
I love you, Family! I never want to stop making amazing memories with you.

Nikki, You Were The "Perfect Choice" To Revisit Our Family Memories... What An AWESOME Job Well Done!!!