2020 Celebration Honoring
The Life Of
othelia Smith Herring

December 12, 1920 - December 12, 2020
Smith/Herring/Stewart Family "Blessed Heritage" Blog
"GrandMa's Secret Gift To Shadrin"...
Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family. It's September and the tribute of Othelia Smith Herring's 100th Birthday Celebration will feature Shadrin "Maurice" Herring as our contributor for this month. Enjoy Shadrin's touching story of his Grandmother's generosity at the risk of being disciplined by his parents. A Christmas memory with a lingering effect...

Greetings Family and Friends,
I’m Shadrin Herring and I’m the youngest son of Shade and Florence Herring. My Dad’s siblings nicknamed him “Brother”. Growing up, I remember Dad and Mom driving me and my siblings to Grandma’s house on Myrtle Avenue to spend time with Grandma, which usually ended with me being outside in the yard playing around.
Shadrin Maurice Herring

My fondest memory I have of Grandma was when I was about 8 or 9 years old and I was at Uncle Wallace and Aunt Dorothy’s house for a Family Christmas get together. Grandma was in the dining room and I approached her and gave her the biggest hug I could give. She kissed me on my forehead with me giving a huge smile in returned. I asked Grandma if I could have a dollar. Till this day I don’t know why I asked, I never asked her in the past.
A young Shadrin with Dad, Shade and older
brothers: Stephan and Norris
But Grandma smile and reached into her purse and came out with a dollar bill and told me not to tell a certain cousin because that person would come to her and ask too. I was surprised, but thanked Grandma and continue with my night with a smile on my face because I had a dollar bill in my pocket.

When my family and I arrived home, still with a smile on my face I showed Mom the dollar bill Grandma gave me. Mom and Dad were upset because they thought I stole a dollar from Grandma’s purse. With tears running down my face due to me fearing they would take away my dollar and I’d get a spanking. Dad called Grandma immediately and questioned her about the dollar.
Keeping Fit With The Family: Shadrin enjoying a
"Boot Camp" Workout with sister Kim, niece Kaylen,
and cousin Gotrel "Tony" Jr.
Dad’s facial expressions changed. I could tell that Grandma let him know that she gave me the dollar willingly. Mom handed me back the dollar.
Please believe me that was the last time I ever, ever, ever, ever, asked Grandma for any monetary gifts again, that experience traumatized me to my core.

Shadrin and his lovely wife, Airrelle
All in all, I love you, Grandma Othelia Herring... Your Youngest Grandson, Shadrin
Great Job Shadrin... So Happy You Didn't Get In Trouble....