2020 Celebration Honoring
The Life Of
othelia Smith Herring

December 12, 1920 - December 12, 2020
Smith/Herring/Stewart Family "Blessed Heritage" Blog
Fondest Memories...
By Terry Herring Davis
Hello Smith/Herring/Stewart Family,
Although our daily lives have been restructured during this time we can all take comfort enjoying life's "simple pleasures" at home with our families. Terry Herring Davis is our contributor this month sharing her fondest memories of her grandmother, Othelia Herring for her 100th Birthday Tribute.

"My fondest memories with Grandma Herring is working with her at the Palmdale Laundromat and having her teaching me how to crochet."
A photo of Terry Herring Davis
The best marriage advice Grandma Herring gave Darrin and I was... "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"... Which personally means to me... "Don't tie all of your resources up into one bank."

A candid photo Of Terry with her husband Darren and sons, Darren, Jr. "DJ" and Cameron.
Left: A teenage photo of Terry Herring, the oldest granddaughter of Othelia Smith Herring during her crocheting years.
Below: A personal photo by sib of a beautiful hand-crocheted bed spread created by Othelia Smith Herring for her oldest daughter, Dorothy Herring Sibley. (My mother) I am truly grateful that Mom passed this priceless family heirloom to me... Lasting 5 Generations.

Great Job Terry! Thanks for sharing these loving memories....